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One often overlooked aspect of relief valve installation is valve orientation. Many refrigeration professionals are not familiar with the 2017 ASME B&PV Code Section VIII Appendix M-11 recommendation that “Spring-loaded safety and safety relief valves normally should be installed in the upright position with the spindle vertical. Where space or piping configuration preclude such an […]
Hoses are commonly used to transfer chemicals from one container to another. Anhydrous ammonia is no exception. In non-refrigeration applications, it is important that facility owners familiarize with the requirements for pressure testing hoses. In California, OSHA requires that hoses be tested annually to twice the tank working pressure, but not less than 500 psi. […]
While it is well known that good engineering practice requires that relief valves be replaced every five years, industry literature does not clearly state when the five-year timer starts its countdown. Is it when the valve is manufactured? Taken out of the box? Installed? Exposed to ammonia? Due to the lack of clarification on this […]
Within the Mechanical Integrity (MI) paragraph of the PSM regulation (Title 8 §5189(j)), facility owners are required to “establish and implement written procedures to maintain the ongoing integrity of process equipment”. Inevitably, compliance with the requirements of this paragraph will require a schedule to be developed which describes the frequency that inspection, testing, and maintenance […]
Recently while walking near a school campus pool, I observed an eyewash and safety shower installed near the pool chemical storage and injection area. To my surprise, I noticed that the valve actuator was locked to the adjacent fence, preventing the unit from functioning without first unlocking the actuator. I can’t say for certain why […]