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Vibration analysis is a predictive maintenance task for rotating machinery that can help identify potential problems before they become a larger issue. Compressor manufacturers typically recommend that vibration analysis be performed on a semi-annual basis. For example, Frick recommends performing vibration analysis every six (6) months, and more frequently if vibration levels increase. Many refrigeration […]
Ammonia Sparks Panic in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Ammonia Dangers Lead to Hazmat Response at Casper Rec Center – Additional units were dispatched, and crews in hazmat suits were able to enter the building, locate the source and repair the leak. […keep reading] New Online Courses for Anhydrous Ammonia Safety Now Available from Mastery […]
Schools Out in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Ammonia Leak at Old Orchard Facility Prompts School Evacuations in Sparta – tudents at two schools in Sparta were removed from the classrooms Wednesday because of a chemical leak at a nearby business. […keep reading] Ammonia Leak at Pharma Lab Kills Worker – A 22-year-old man died […]
Question: Why is it important to remove decommissioned pipes and valves from an ammonia refrigeration system? Answer: To prevent an accidental release due to a pipe or flange leak. Consider a scenario where a ceiling-suspended evaporator is removed from a system. The ammonia pipes are cut and capped, and the evaporator unit is removed from […]
Ammonia Irritates in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Ammonia Leak Prompts Evacuations in Oroville Neighborhood – As a precaution, several roads were closed, including 3rd Street at Mitch Avenue, Pomona Avenue and Veatch Street, Gray Street and Pomona Avenue, Pine Street and Pomona Avenue, and Grant Avenue and Pine Street. […keep reading] Four Injured […]