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Similar to other IIAR standards, ANSI/IIAR 6 Standard for Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Closed-Circuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems is divided into several Parts, with each Part containing multiple Chapters or Appendices. Parts 1-2 are normative, indicating that the content in these sections is mandatory. Part 3 is informative and therefore intended to be descriptive and […]
We’ve often heard the axiom that “patience is a virtue”. For the ammonia refrigeration industry, our patience has finally been rewarded with the publication of ANSI/IIAR 6 Standard for Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Closed-Circuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems. By some estimations, IIAR 6 has been in development for over 13 years[1]. Countless IIAR Standards Committee […]
The term “shunt trip” is often used in discussions regarding an ammonia refrigeration machinery room e-stop. Technically speaking, a shunt trip is a device that is designed to trip a circuit breaker remotely. In the context of an ammonia refrigeration system, the shunt trip would be located outside the machinery room so that all power […]
On the surface, this appears to be a silly question. Regulations, however, often have nuances and it so happens that according to Title 8 CCR §5157, the answer is ‘No’. Let me explain. In California, Title 8 CCR §5156-5159 regulate all confined space activities. According to the legal definition a “Confined space means a space […]
Over the past year, CalOSHA has been educating the ammonia refrigeration industry regarding their expectation for complying with the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) requirement for “procedures to be followed by employees performing rescue or medical duties” (Title 8 CCR §3220(b)(4)). CalOSHA has made it clear that they expect ammonia refrigeration facilities to have rescue capabilities, […]