Recent Blog Posts

Do Machinery Rooms Require a Shunt Trip?

August 6th, 2019

The term “shunt trip” is often used in discussions regarding an ammonia refrigeration machinery room e-stop. Technically speaking, a shunt trip is a device that is designed to trip a circuit breaker remotely. In the context of an ammonia refrigeration system, the shunt trip would be located outside the machinery room so that all power […]

Do All Permit Required Confined Spaces Require a Permit?

July 23rd, 2019

On the surface, this appears to be a silly question. Regulations, however, often have nuances and it so happens that according to Title 8 CCR §5157, the answer is ‘No’. Let me explain. In California, Title 8 CCR §5156-5159 regulate all confined space activities. According to the legal definition a “Confined space means a space […]

CalOSHA and Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus

July 9th, 2019

Over the past year, CalOSHA has been educating the ammonia refrigeration industry regarding their expectation for complying with the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) requirement for “procedures to be followed by employees performing rescue or medical duties” (Title 8 CCR §3220(b)(4)). CalOSHA has made it clear that they expect ammonia refrigeration facilities to have rescue capabilities, […]

Ammonia Theft

June 25th, 2019

Recently, while performing a daily inspection, a client of ours observed unusual valve tampering on an exterior ammonia service valve. Further investigation revealed unusual damage to the valve plug, indicating that an ammonia theft was likely attempted. Thankfully, circumstances must have cut the crime short, but the potential consequence of a such an occurrence are […]

Ammonia Diffusion Tank Water Sampling

June 11th, 2019

Many refrigeration systems installed in California are equipped with a diffusion tank which is designed to receive and mitigate ammonia vapor that is released when a relief valve lifts. Since the common application of diffusion tanks has been limited to the west coast, our industry lacks best practices for sampling diffusion tank water for the […]