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A strip mall has to be evacuated after an ammonia leak in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Ammonia Leak at Waldorf Skating Rink Prompts Evacuations – About 50 people in a nearby strip mall had to be evacuated, firefighters said. […keep reading] Ammonia Leak in Lucknow’s Cold Storage, 2 Dead – Two labourers died after an […]
A HazMat team responds to an ammonia leak from an ice hockey rink in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… HazMat Team Responds to Loring Arena for Ammonia Leak – A tier one hazmat team was called to Loring Arena this morning, March 2, for an ammonia leak, said Framingham Fire Chief Michael Dutcher. […keep […]
A refrigerator causes an ammonia leak in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Hazmat Team Responds to Ammonia Leak in Downtown Saskatoon – Firefighters found a small fridge in an unoccupied suite leaking ammonia, the fire department said in a news release. […keep reading] Decatur Fire, HAZMAT Respond to Anhydrous Ammonia Leak at ADM – Decatur […]
An exploded ammonia vessel in the Philippines results in 2 fatalities, 90 injured people, and 5,000 citizens evacuated in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Philippine Ammonia Leak from Ice Plant Kills 2, Sickens 90 – More than 90 residents and workers were taken to hospitals after being exposed to ammonia fumes from the TP Marcelo […]
A dairy plant has an ammonia leak in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Whitehall Police, Crews Respond to Ammonia Leak at Schneider’s Dairy – Upon arriving at Schneider’s Dairy, located in the 700 block of Frank Street, crews found that there was a small leak from an ammonia supply line and worked to repair […]