Recent Blog Posts
When I first got into Process Safety Management, Peter Thomas advised me, “If you want to be an expert in anything, be an expert in Management of Change and Pre-Startup Safety Review.” He then added that if you understand MOC/PSSR requirements, you will understand how every other element is affected by a process change. Now […]
Machinery room ventilation systems have long been required by model codes and standards. Dating back to at least the 1967 Uniform Mechanical Code[1], refrigeration machinery rooms have been required to be configured with adequate ventilation in the event of a refrigerant release. While we have written previously about the current ventilation design, control, and testing […]
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recently released their publication of the 2018 NFPA 1 Fire Code and it contains two noteworthy changes from the 2015 version that will impact ammonia refrigeration systems built under the jurisdiction of this code. If your facility is already using IIAR as your primary standard for ammonia refrigeration, these […]
The International Code Council (ICC) recently released their publication of the 2018 International Mechanical Code (IMC) and it contains three noteworthy changes/clarifications that will impact ammonia refrigeration systems built under the jurisdiction of this code. As we look ahead to 2019, when the IMC will be adopted, it is valuable to be aware of these […]
The International Code Council (ICC) recently released their publication of the 2018 International Fire Code (IFC) and it contains three noteworthy changes/clarifications that will impact ammonia refrigeration systems built under the jurisdiction of this code. There has been some shifting around from the 2015 IFC, so we hope to familiarize you with the following changes: […]