Recent Blog Posts
Within the Mechanical Integrity (MI) paragraph of the PSM regulation (Title 8 §5189(j)), facility owners are required to “establish and implement written procedures to maintain the ongoing integrity of process equipment”. Inevitably, compliance with the requirements of this paragraph will require a schedule to be developed which describes the frequency that inspection, testing, and maintenance […]
Recently while walking near a school campus pool, I observed an eyewash and safety shower installed near the pool chemical storage and injection area. To my surprise, I noticed that the valve actuator was locked to the adjacent fence, preventing the unit from functioning without first unlocking the actuator. I can’t say for certain why […]
Regulatory Changes While the 2017 RMP Amendments were approved on September 21, 2018, only one of the changes has taken effect. Other changes in the amendment are likely to be repealed before they ever go into effect. The change that currently affects facilities is the addition of §68.93 to the existing Federal RMP Rule (Title […]
Since ammonia diffusion tanks were removed from the California Mechanical Code in 2016, atmospheric termination of relief valves has once again become a viable strategy for ammonia refrigeration systems. The question that often arises, however, is what constitutes “safe” termination to atmosphere. ANSI/IIAR 2-2014 §15.5.1 outlines five requirements for proper atmospheric termination: Discharge pipe must […]
There is a common misconception that synthetic refrigerants are exempt from all regulatory burden. Many end users are attracted to Freon refrigerants because of a desire to avoid PSM, RMP, and the many requirements associated with operating an ammonia refrigeration system: machinery room ventilation, detection, emergency response, mechanical integrity, etc. While we have previously summarized […]