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Say you have a task to perform a compressor inspection annually. On year one you complete the task on July 1 which results in the same task being due on July 1 of the next year. When next year rolls around, other obligations have filled the calendar during this period. In order to prevent the […]
ANSI/IIAR 6-2019 §5.1 lays out the foundational requirements of an ITM Program. Most obligations in this section build upon an existing MI requirement in the PSM regulations (Title 8 CCR §5189(j) and Title 29 CFR §1910.119(j)). For example, ANSI/IIAR 6-2019 §5.1 requires that “The owner or owner’s designated representative shall ensure an inspection, testing, and […]
Who is responsible for implementing an IIAR 6 ITM Program at your facility? §4.1.1 speaks to that very question: “The owner or owner’s designated representative shall be responsible for overseeing and ensuring that inspection, testing and maintenance is performed in accordance with the requirements of this standard.” While the owner or the designated representative is […]
Words matter. Consequently, ANSI/IIAR 6-2019 has introduced thirty-one new definitions in Chapter 2. Eventually, these definitions will be moved to ANSI/IIAR 1 American National Standard for Definitions and Terminology Used in IIAR Standards when that document is next revised, but until that time, Chapter 2 is a necessary resource for those wanting to implement IIAR […]
Chapter 1 of ANSI/IIAR 6 Standard for Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Closed-Circuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems addresses the Purpose, Scope, and Applicability of the standard. According to §1.1, the purpose of IIAR 6 is to specify “minimum requirements for inspection, testing, and maintenance for closed-circuit ammonia refrigeration systems”. Notice that there are no qualifiers for […]