Recent Blog Posts
One often overlooked aspect of a relief valve discharge termination piping system is the scenario that was used at the basis of the piping design. Most designers understand that termination piping must be sized so as to not cause excessive back pressure in the manifold when a relief valve lifts. The question, however, that must […]
In this week’s blog post we will summarize the machinery room ventilation requirements contained within ANSI/IIAR 2-2014. We have broken down the ventilation requirements into three (3) categories: Design and Installation Control Testing Some of the requirements overlap and are listed in more than one of the categories. Design and Installation When occupied, the machinery […]
The recent release of ANSI/IIAR 2-2014 has provided the ammonia refrigeration industry with much needed direction on the topic of ammonia detection in a refrigerated facility. Prior to the release of this document, IIAR 2 only addressed ammonia detection within the context of a machinery room and left the requirements of “other than machinery rooms” […]
It has long been required that access be considered when designing and installing an ammonia refrigeration system. In fact, we wrote about this topic in some detail back in 2013. However, with the recent release of ANSI/IIAR 2-2014, it is appropriate to revisit all of the relevant access requirements contained within this important RAGAGEP document. […]
ANSI/IIAR 2-2014 §15.6 outlines the requirements for providing Hydrostatic Overpressure Protection. In situations where thermal hydrostatic expansion of trapped liquid ammonia could occur, hydrostatic protection must be provided. Per ANSI/IIAR 2-2014 §15.6.1, Protection against overpressure due to thermal hydrostatic expansion of trapped liquid ammonia shall be provided for equipment and piping sections that can be […]