Video: Overview of Ammonia Refrigeration Air Cooling Evaporators March 21st, 2023
Check out Resource Compliance’s free video on ammonia refrigeration air cooling evaporators.
Check out Resource Compliance’s free video on ammonia refrigeration air cooling evaporators.
Check out Resource Compliance’s free video on completing an IIAR 6 Appendix B Pressure Vessel Inspection Checklist.
It is common practice in the ammonia refrigeration industry to install a three-way isolation valve upstream of relief valves protecting an ammonia refrigeration pressure vessel. For vessels larger than 10 ft3, this is required by most model codes and standards. These three-way valves allow a relief valve to be replaced without the hassle of pumping […]
It’s widely known that pressure vessels must be equipped with over-pressure protection (2015 ASME B&PVC UG-125), often in the form of a pressure relief valve. Properly sizing a relief valve requires engineering analysis which accounts for the type of over-pressure scenarios that might occur. In most cases, model codes and standards (RAGAGEPs) specify the relief […]
Pipes are one of the areas of an ammonia refrigeration system most vulnerable to leak. Systems often have hundreds, or even thousands of feet of ammonia pipes serving a variety of purposes. Historically, IIAR Bulletin No. 110 has been the RAGAGEP which governs ammonia pipe inspections and maintenance. §6.7.1 requires that: All uninsulated piping and […]
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