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A wind storm causes an ammonia release in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Storms Blow Over Tractor-Trailer, Injures Driver; Causes Ammonia Leak – A tractor-trailer driver in New Holland, Lancaster County, was taken to the hospital Wednesday night when his rig was blown over in severe weather. […keep reading] Do All Permit Required Confined […]
On the surface, this appears to be a silly question. Regulations, however, often have nuances and it so happens that according to Title 8 CCR §5157, the answer is ‘No’. Let me explain. In California, Title 8 CCR §5156-5159 regulate all confined space activities. According to the legal definition a “Confined space means a space […]
An ammonia leak shuts down a beach in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Sizewell B Nuclear Plant Ammonia Leak Closes Part of Beach – EDF Energy said the leak from a storage tank at Sizewell B in Suffolk on Friday afternoon was “immediately contained”. […keep reading] Firefighter Claims Severe, Permanent Disability from Beach Park […]
Ammonia is released in a highway accident in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… 2,500 Gallons of Ammonia Spilled on Highway 181, Five Hospitalized – According to the Sheriff’s office, two of the five were not taken to the hospital, one was taken for a wreck-related injury and two were hospitalized for inhalation of ammonia. […]
Over the past year, CalOSHA has been educating the ammonia refrigeration industry regarding their expectation for complying with the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) requirement for “procedures to be followed by employees performing rescue or medical duties” (Title 8 CCR §3220(b)(4)). CalOSHA has made it clear that they expect ammonia refrigeration facilities to have rescue capabilities, […]