Condenser Relief Valves


Question: Are pressure relief valves required to be installed on an evaporative condenser?

This is an update to a blog that was originally posted on 9/10/13. You can read the original blog here.


Answer: This is a very good question and one that gets asked frequently. Since an evaporative condenser is not a pressure vessel, it is not a black and white requirement as it is for the vessels throughout a refrigeration system. However, the condenser has the potential to contain large quantities of ammonia and if isolated incorrectly can lead to hydrostatic expansion and equipment rupture. 

Below you can read a section from ANSI/IIAR 2-2021 which addresses the issue of condenser relief valves:

Protection against overpressure due to thermal hydrostatic expansion of trapped liquid ammonia shall be provided for equipment that is not ASME stamped and piping sections that can be isolated and can trap liquid ammonia in an isolated section in any of the following situations:

1 . Automatically during normal operation;

  1. Automatically during shutdown by any means, including alarm or power failure;
  2. During planned isolation for standby or seasonal conditions;
  3. Due to an equipment or device fault; or
  4. During the shipping of any pre-charged equipment.

EXCEPTION: If trapping of liquid with subsequent thermal hydrostatic expansion is only possible during maintenance or service operations, engineering or administrative controls, or both, shall be permitted as the means of relieving or preventing overpressure.

In other words, if ammonia can be trapped in an evaporative condenser during normal operation, then relief valves must be installed. If ammonia can only be trapped during maintenance (temporary operations) then administrative controls (procedures) are sufficient to prevent over-pressurization. Usually, the question I ask to get to the bottom of this is…”Does the facility isolate the condenser as part of normal operation because of fluctuating load patterns?” If the answer is “Yes“, then relief valves should be installed on each evaporative condenser circuit.

2 responses to “Condenser Relief Valves”

  1. Brian McMillan says:

    I am not sure what you mean by “relief valves” but I would argue that you should never put ASME relief valves on non-ASME equipment. It’s not required per ASME and just leads to confusion. Our standard for condensers is to install check valve bypass(es) around the outlet isolation valve(s). This would cover the scenario of a facility isolating condenser(s) as part of normal operation because of fluctuating load patterns, which should still be done properly per the SOP.

    • Peter Thomas says:

      Thanks for the feedback. I don’t disagree. Installing relief valves on a condenser is not RAGAGEP, but sometimes we see facilities that are configured with ASME relief valves on the condenser. Your method is a great approach without having to deal with issues surrounding relief valves (termination piping, 5-year replacement, etc.).

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