Recent Blog Posts
This is an update to a blog that was originally posted on 4/19/16. You can read the original blog here. ANSI/IIAR 2-2021 §15.3.10 outlines the requirements for providing Hydrostatic Overpressure Protection. In situations where thermal hydrostatic expansion of trapped liquid ammonia could occur, hydrostatic protection must be provided. Per ANSI/IIAR 2-2021 §, Protection against overpressure […]
An ammonia mini bar causes a hotel evacuation in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Chester Grosvenor Hotel Evacuated after Reports of Ammonia Smell – Firefighters were called to the hotel on Eastgate Street in Chester shortly before 5am today (Wednesday, April 3) and crews, two wearing breathing apparatus, investigated where the smell was coming […]
It is common practice in the ammonia refrigeration industry to install a three-way isolation valve upstream of relief valves protecting an ammonia refrigeration pressure vessel. For vessels larger than 10 ft3, this is required by most model codes and standards. These three-way valves allow a relief valve to be replaced without the hassle of pumping […]
It’s widely known that pressure vessels must be equipped with over-pressure protection (2015 ASME B&PVC UG-125), often in the form of a pressure relief valve. Properly sizing a relief valve requires engineering analysis which accounts for the type of over-pressure scenarios that might occur. In most cases, model codes and standards (RAGAGEPs) specify the relief […]
Title 8 CCR §5189(d)(3)(A)(8) and Title 29 CFR §1910.119(d)(3)(i)(H) requires that “information pertaining to the equipment in the process shall include: Safety systems (e.g. interlocks, detection or suppression systems)”. At minimum, Safety Systems documentation must identify and summarize all Safety Systems associated with the chemical process. Once developed, this documentation will serve as a useful […]