IIAR 9 Chapter 7, Section 7.4 (IIAR 9, Part 6) August 4th, 2020
Watch this overview of chapter 7, section 7.4 from the new standard for existing ammonia refrigeration systems by Peter Thomas:
Watch this overview of chapter 7, section 7.4 from the new standard for existing ammonia refrigeration systems by Peter Thomas:
Watch this overview of chapter 7, section 7.3 from the new standard for existing ammonia refrigeration systems by Peter Thomas:
Wildlife suffers after an ammonia leak in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Hundreds of Fish Killed after Ammonia Release from Meatpacking Plant – “In our haste to save lives of people inside the plant, it does appear that we had some impact on the environment.” […keep reading] IIAR 9 Chapter 7, Sections 7.1 & […]
Watch this overview of chapter 7, sections 7.1 and 7.2 from the new standard for existing ammonia refrigeration systems by Peter Thomas:
Watch this overview of chapter 8 from the new standard for existing ammonia refrigeration systems by Peter Thomas:
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