Recent Blog Posts
International Irritant in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Action Likely Against Fertiliser Firm Over Ammonia Gas Leakage in Tamil Nadu’s Ennore – Fertiliser firm Coromandel International could face legal action and pay an environmental compensation of ₹5.92 crore for the December 26 ammonia gas leak in Ennore. […keep reading] Ammonia Leak at Sausage Factory […]
It has long been required that access be considered when designing and installing an ammonia refrigeration system. In fact, we wrote about this topic in some detail back in 2013. Since a decade has passed, it seems appropriate to revisit the relevant access requirements contained within the current RAGAGEP documents applicable to ammonia refrigeration. ANSI/IIAR […]
Summary In September 2012, the rupture of an auto-purger bubbler resulted in two injuries, one of which was permanent and disabling. The root causes were determined to be a buildup of scale inside the bubbler, and failure to follow proper maintenance/operating procedures. Incident Description Water & mineral deposits were collected in the drain line of […]
Part 8: This is a continuation of our blog series explaining how to perform an IIAR 6 Appendix B inspection of an ammonia pressure vessel. Items M and N ask if the vessel certification drawings and manufacturer data report are on file. The data report, commonly referred to as a U-1 or U-1A form, we […]
Part 7: This is a continuation of our blog series explaining how to perform an IIAR 6 Appendix B inspection of an ammonia pressure vessel. Item I in the checklist inquires if the pipes are marked as required by IIAR Standard 2. Standard 2 requires piping mains, headers, and branches to be labeled with the […]