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Ammonia leak causes the death of 260 eels in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Cause of Death of 260 Eels Being Investigated in Southland – The cause of death of hundreds of eels in a Southland waterway is being investigated, and an ammonia leak at a meat processing plant or the Southland drought could […]
Ammonia is now harvestable from wastewater in this special Mother’s Day edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… New Process Harvests Ammonia from Wastewater – A dash of ruthenium atoms on a mesh of copper nanowires could be one step toward a revolution in harvesting ammonia from nitrates in wastewater and groundwater. […keep reading] IIAR 2-2021: Emergency […]
Taylor Farms plans to rebuild after disaster struck in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Taylor Farms Plans to Rebuild Salinas Facility After 4-Alarm Fire – Taylor Farms, the world’s largest producer of fresh-cut vegetables, plans to continue operating its Yuma, Ariz., plant, which is currently servicing its customers, while the Salinas facility is rebuilt. […]
Shelter in place lifted in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Shelter-in-Place Lifted following Ammonia Leak at Menands Dairy – Authorities in Menands have lifted a shelter-in-place order requiring residents within a one-mile radius of Midland Farms to shelter in place on Wednesday afternoon as they investigated an ammonia leak […keep reading] IIAR 2-2021: Eyewash […]
Massive shelter in place order in this special Easter edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Taylor Farms Fire: Shelter-in-Place Order Issued in Salinas – A shelter-in-place order was issued early Thursday morning for parts of Salinas because of the potential for an explosion — which could release an ammonia cloud — due to a […]