Recent Blog Posts

Excerpts from ANSI/IIAR 8-2015

March 30th, 2015

Last week, I summarized the requirements from ANSI/IIAR 4-2015 Installation of Closed-Circuit Refrigeration Systems. Today, I’ll do the same with ANSI/IIAR 8-2015 Decommissioning of Closed-Circuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems Unlike IIAR 4, which had IIAR 2 as its foundation, IIAR 8 is a standard that was essentially written from scratch. The general outline of the document is as […]

Excerpts from ANSI/IIAR 4-2015

March 24th, 2015

After years of hard work, IIAR has recently published two (2) new refrigeration standards: ANSI/IIAR 4-2015 Installation of Closed-Circuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems ANSI/IIAR 8-2015 Decommissioning of Closed-Circuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems In this blog and the next, I will summarize each of the standards and provide excerpts that are important to be aware of. Be sure […]

Q&A | Relief Valve Replacement (Dual Assembly)

March 10th, 2015

Question: Do both relief valves on a dual assembly have to be replaced every five (5) years, or just the relief valve that has been subject to system pressure? Answer: Most pressure vessels in an ammonia refrigeration system exceed 10 cubic feet in volume (normal exceptions are oil pots and small oil separators), and therefore are […]

Q&A | Co-Location

February 24th, 2015

Question: If two independent ammonia refrigeration systems share a water diffusion tank should they be considered one (1) or two (2) processes under RMP and PSM? Answer: This is a great question that addresses the issue of “co-location“. In order to correctly answer this question, we must first consider the definition of a Process. Title 40 §68.3 Process means […]

Q&A | Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment

January 20th, 2015

Question: Where am I required to install emergency eyewash and shower stations? Answer: Both CalOSHA and FedOSHA require eyewash and shower stations in “all work areas where, during routine operations or foreseeable emergencies” an employee’s eye or body “may come in contact with a substance which is corrosive or severely irritating to the skin” [Title 8 […]