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In an industry laden with acronyms, RAGAGEP is probably the most important to understand when implementing a process safety management program. Simply put, RAGAGEP is “recognized and generally accepted good engineering practice”. The PSM regulation, 29 CFR §1910.119 and Title 8 CCR §5189, directly references or implies the use of RAGAGEP in three provisions: Process Safety Information – (d)(3)(ii): Employers […]
I was recently asked about the requirements for Exit Signs within a facility. I learned that Fed/OSHA, Cal/OSHA, and the Building Code each require the installation of Exit Signs. Cal/OSHA Title 8 §3216(b) requires Exit Signs (or directional signs) to be installed “at every exit door, at the intersection of corridors, at exit stairways or ramps and at such […]
A client recently modified an ASME ammonia pressure vessel that provided me the opportunity to dive into the requirements that must be adhered when performing such activities. Here is a summary of what I learned: 1. IIAR Standards IIAR doesn’t speak directly to the issue of pressure vessel modification, however, ANSI/IIAR 2-2008 Addendum B §9.2 Procedures/Testing does […]
Anyone who operates an “older” ammonia refrigeration system in California should be familiar with the requirements of the 1982 Uniform Mechanical Code. Cal/OSHA regulation Title 8 CCR §3248(a) requires the following: “Mechanical refrigeration systems placed in service before March 13, 1999, shall be designed, installed, tested, and maintained in accordance with Chapters 4, 15, and 16 […]
Question: I am considering installing a propane tank at my facility, will it be subject to the requirements of RMP and PSM? Answer: Assuming that the propane tank will be used for forklift fuel, you are not required to comply with the requirements of RMP, PSM, or CalARP because of the following exemptions/exclusions: Title 40 CFR §68.126 A […]