Recent Blog Posts

ASME Pressure Vessel Modification

July 22nd, 2015

A client recently modified an ASME ammonia pressure vessel that provided me the opportunity to dive into the requirements that must be adhered when performing such activities. Here is a summary of what I learned: 1. IIAR Standards IIAR doesn’t speak directly to the issue of pressure vessel modification, however,  ANSI/IIAR 2-2008 Addendum B §9.2 Procedures/Testing does […]

1982 Uniform Mechanical Code and “Adjoining Ground Level”

July 7th, 2015

Anyone who operates an “older” ammonia refrigeration system in California should be familiar with the requirements of the 1982 Uniform Mechanical Code. Cal/OSHA regulation Title 8 CCR §3248(a) requires the following: “Mechanical refrigeration systems placed in service before March 13, 1999, shall be designed, installed, tested, and maintained in accordance with Chapters 4, 15, and 16 […]

Propane and PSM

June 9th, 2015

Question: I am considering installing a propane tank at my facility, will it be subject to the requirements of RMP and PSM? Answer: Assuming that the propane tank will be used for forklift fuel, you are not required to comply with the requirements of RMP, PSM, or CalARP because of the following exemptions/exclusions: Title 40 CFR §68.126 A […]

Labeling an Ammonia Receiver

May 25th, 2015

Question: What are the labeling requirements for a High Pressure Receiver in an ammonia refrigeration system? Answer: To properly label any piece of equipment within an ammonia refrigeration system you  must first know which codes and standards are recognized in your jurisdiction. As a resident of California, the following codes/standards are often consulted regarding ammonia equipment […]

Ammonia Detection in Non-Machinery Rooms

May 11th, 2015

Question: Is ammonia detection required in rooms that contain ammonia, but are not classified as machinery rooms? Answer: To answer this question properly, we must first consider the various occupancy classifications and refrigerant restrictions within those classifications. ANSI/ASHRAE 15-2013 Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems defines two (2) main types of refrigeration systems: Direct Systems and Indirect Systems. Indirect Systems are further divided into […]