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If a process modification occurs that reduces a chemical inventory below the RMP threshold quantity, the facility is no longer subject to the requirements of USEPA’s Risk Management Program (Title 40 CFR §68). The proper protocol for notifying USEPA of this change is to submit a De-Registration Form which is contained within the RMP eSubmit Users Manual (Page 112). Once received […]
It is critical for facilities that store, handle, and use hazardous materials, to coordinate their emergency response activities with local first responders that may be involved in an emergency event. Site visits, phone calls, table top discussions, and joint training are all acceptable means to achieve this coordination. During an emergency, trust is critical to […]
This is a continuation of our blog series titled Overview of Federal and California Process Safety Regulations. Part 1 and Part 2 of our series can be accessed here and here. RMP vs. CalARP The California Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP) regulation is similar to USEPA’s Risk Management Program (RMP) with a few exceptions. The following is […]
Facilities that store hazardous chemicals understand that they must plan for emergency situations. However, when one attempts to research the regulatory requirements for emergency situations, you can quickly become confused. For a facility in California that utilizes Hazardous Materials there are several emergency response-related regulations that you must be familiar with. Hazardous Waste Operations and […]
This is a continuation of our blog series titled Overview of Federal and California Process Safety Regulations. Part 1 can be accessed here. Fed/OSHA PSM vs. Cal/OSHA PSM Fed/OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM) and Cal/OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM) regulations are very similar in scope and intent. Two (2) important differences are summarized below: Compliance […]