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A July 2024 publication by the USEPA has put small ammonia refrigeration facilities in the Pacific Northwest on notice. This notice states ‘EPA is providing advance notice of an upcoming enforcement initiative so that you can take steps now to avoid a penalty before the initiative begins.’ Many ammonia refrigeration facilities across the Pacific Northwest must comply […]
Summary In August 2022, hydrostatic expansion occurred inside an improperly isolated evaporator coil, resulting in a release of approximately 230 lbs of ammonia. The leak occurred when one of the return tubes of the evaporator coil broke due to the overpressurization. Incident Description The evaporator coil (Coil 3) was recently replaced and the other two […]
Ammonia pipe supports are a crucial component to the construction of a refrigeration system. Inadequate pipe supports could lead to an ammonia release in the event of an earthquake, prolonged vibration, or physical impact. Many of IIAR’s standards and guidance documents provide helpful clarification regarding how ammonia piping should be supported and secured. Design of […]
Summary In June 2020, the failure of a bolt on the strainer cap for a compressor led to the release of 5,461 lbs of ammonia. One of the four bolts for the strainer cap had been broken for years. A second bolt broke during the incident as the compressor suction gasket failed. Incident Description When […]
Question: Does my machinery room need an emergency ventilation system if it only has three walls? Answer: It may not require mechanical ventilation and could meet the requirements for “Natural Ventilation”. ANSI/IIAR 2-2021 §7.3.2 states that for outdoor systems, natural ventilation can be utilized instead of mechanical ventilation. For a machinery room to qualify for […]