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In many industrial refrigeration systems, the main liquid feed shut off valve (King Valve) can be remotely controlled as a solenoid valve that is interlocked with the computer control system. The typical configuration of a king solenoid valve assembly includes the following four (4) components, listed in the direction of flow: Upstream Isolation Valve Strainer […]
Recently an Administrative Law Judge settled a long-standing issue that has been frustrating the sulfur dioxide industry. For the past several years, CalOSHA has been routinely citing facilities that utilize a union adapter to connect to a sulfur dioxide ton container. CalOSHA’s basis for citation has been failure to comply with recognized and generally accepted […]
The first article in this four-part series on training provided an overview of RMP/PSM/CalARP training requirements and the second article covered training requirements for general facility employees. While the third article explained process overview training, this fourth and final article will explain training operators on operating procedures (SOPs). After operators understand how their system works, […]
The first article in this four-part series on training provided an overview of RMP/PSM/CalARP training requirements. While the second article covered training requirements for general facility employees, this article will explain what it means for operators to be trained on an overview of the process. Facilities needing to adhere to RMP/PSM regulations have spent thousands […]
While the first article in this four-part series on training provided an overview of RMP/PSM/CalARP training requirements, we will now take a closer look at the required training for general facility employees. While it may seem like only employees who operate a hazardous chemical process need training, it is not true. General employees at your […]