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Last year IIAR published a new edition to Standard 8 Decommissioning of Closed-Circuit Refrigeration Systems. ANSI/IIAR 8-2020 contains many of the same minimum requirements as the 2015 edition, but as always, there are a few nuances worthy of our attention. First, let’s get the big picture of Standard 8. Overview of Standard 8 Standard 8 […]
Fire Crews and HAZMAT respond to a truck’s ammonia leak in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Crews Respond to Ammonia Leak on I-29 South of Salix – Fire crews and hazmat responded to I-29 Tuesday afternoon for a truck leaking anhydrous ammonia just south of Salix at the weigh station. […keep reading] 7 Takeaways […]
IIAR’s suite of standards addresses the minimum requirements for ammonia refrigeration systems from design through decommissioning. Standard 7 is unique in tackling the development of operating procedures for these systems. The publication is titled Developing Operating Procedures for Closed-Circuit Ammonia Refrigeration Systems and was most recently updated in 2019. To better understand the function of […]
Ammonia leak amidst the hustle and bustle of Mississauga city in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Emergency Crews Respond to Possible Ammonia Leak at Mississauga Business – Police confirmed the leak was reported at a commercial business and that the building and others in the surrounding area were evacuated. […keep reading] Ammonia Leaks From an […]
Ammonia leak leads to hospitalization in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Ammonia Leak at Sea Watch International; Sends 1 to Hospital – Multiple hazardous materials teams from across the region responded to an ammonia leak at SeaWatch International Monday evening. […keep reading] Eight Things to Know About ANSI/IIAR 4-2020 – We’ve spent considerable time […]