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Ammonia Leak Results In Tragedy in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Worker Killed After Ammonia Leak at Massachusetts Food Plant –According to the Norwood Police Department, two men working for an outside contractor were near the leak, leading to the incident. […keep reading] Falmouth Ice Arena Evacuated After Ammonia Leak – Around 11:30 a.m., […]
Cash Penalties Steal the Headlines in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Waffle Factory Leaked Toxic Gas into CA Neighborhood, Officials Say – A subcontractor on a scissor lift damaged a pipe that began releasing anhydrous ammonia, a gas that can cause serious injury or death if inhaled, into the surrounding neighborhood on Jan. […]
Eli Macha presented a technical paper at the 2021 RETA National Conference titled IIAR 6: Should I Hire a Contractor or Keep it In-House? This blog series includes excerpts from his technical paper. There are a variety of philosophies when it comes to how many contractors should be used. Some businesses believe strongly in sticking […]
Ammonia a Geopolitical Topic in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Ammonia Leak at CF Industries Prompts School Evacuation – Out of an abundance of caution, school officials said, the students and staff have been moved to the Lowery Elementary/Middle campus a few miles way on La. 1 in Donaldsonville. […keep reading] Nine Companies Join Force to […]
Ammonia Leaks Into December in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… All clear: Ammonia leak Halted at CF Industries Near Donaldsonville; Evacuated Students Go Home Early – Sheriff Bobby Webre said mid-day Thursday that emergency responders have given the all clear after the leak of ammonia gas had been stopped from the Mississippi River facility. […]