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Schools Out in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Ammonia Leak at Old Orchard Facility Prompts School Evacuations in Sparta – tudents at two schools in Sparta were removed from the classrooms Wednesday because of a chemical leak at a nearby business. […keep reading] Ammonia Leak at Pharma Lab Kills Worker – A 22-year-old man died […]
Question: Why is it important to remove decommissioned pipes and valves from an ammonia refrigeration system? Answer: To prevent an accidental release due to a pipe or flange leak. Consider a scenario where a ceiling-suspended evaporator is removed from a system. The ammonia pipes are cut and capped, and the evaporator unit is removed from […]
Ammonia Irritates in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Ammonia Leak Prompts Evacuations in Oroville Neighborhood – As a precaution, several roads were closed, including 3rd Street at Mitch Avenue, Pomona Avenue and Veatch Street, Gray Street and Pomona Avenue, Pine Street and Pomona Avenue, and Grant Avenue and Pine Street. […keep reading] Four Injured […]
Ammonia Travels The Highways in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… Ammonia Leak in South El Paso Contained by Emergency Crews – According to the El Paso Fire Department, crews quickly mitigated an ammonia leak situation on the 1000 block of E. Fourth Avenue, near the Armijo Rec Center. […keep reading] Anhydrous Ammonia Leak from Tanker […]
Summary In September 2014, the termination of a relief valve to the atmosphere resulted in a release of approximately 2,700 lbs of ammonia. During the release, a roof-mounted exhaust fan pulled ammonia vapor into a highly populated room in the processing facility which exposed 34 employees to ammonia. Incident Description One of the relief valves […]