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I was recently asked about the requirements for Exit Signs within a facility. I learned that Fed/OSHA, Cal/OSHA, and the Building Code each require the installation of Exit Signs. Cal/OSHA Title 8 §3216(b) requires Exit Signs (or directional signs) to be installed “at every exit door, at the intersection of corridors, at exit stairways or ramps and at such […]
Ammonia leaks spring up across the globe in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review….. 10,000 Residents Evacuated From Chinese City After Toxic Gas Leak At Fertiliser Plant – Residents were told by the local government to evacuate Dingshui district in the city of Nanchong at about 10.30pm after liquid ammonia started to leak from a pipe at the […]
The Fighting Irish are alarmed by ammonia in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review….. Ammonia Leak Discovered at Notre Dame – A short evacuation Friday at Notre Dame’s Compton Ice Arena. […keep reading] Cameroon: Bassa Industrial Zone – Ammonia Gas Leak Creates Panic – The premises of Union Camerounaise de Brasseries (UCB), in the Bassa industrial zone of […]
Most people who have worked around the ammonia refrigeration industry for any period of time recognize the importance that strainers play in the proper operation and maintenance of an ammonia refrigeration system. Typically located upstream of control valves, strainers perform the important function of filtering out debris that would otherwise damage control valves and prove […]
Ammonia keeps emergency responders on their toes in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review….. Ammonia Venting Forces Evacuation – A home for seniors was among the residences evacuated when ammonia vented from an arena in Bruce Mines on Saturday. […keep reading] Six Injured in Ammonia Leak Accident in S. Germany – Ammonia gas leaked from the cooling system […]