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Ammonia catches fire this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review….. Ammonia Leak Shuts Down Brewery – Pacific Western Brewery was evacuated and Prince George Fire Rescue was called in to deal with an ammonia leak on Thursday afternoon. […keep reading] Ammonia Tank Burst Leads to Fire at Lost Acres RV Park – Monticello Fire Department firefighters responded to a […]
When performing Compliance Audits and Mechanical Integrity inspections, I often find facilities do not have Manufacturer Data Report as required for a compliant PSM program. What is a Data Report? Often referred to as the “birth certificate” of a pressure vessel or heat exchanger, the data report (U-1 or U-1A, U-3 form) is a document […]
Ammonia gets no shortage of attention in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review….. 41 Hospitalized After Ammonia Leak at China Chemical Plant – Forty-one people have been admitted to hospital, including five in serious conditions, following a synthetic ammonia leak at a chemical plant in China’s central Henan Province, the latest industrial accident in the country. […keep reading] […]
Ammonia causes trouble at school in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review….. Ammonia Leak Near Tracadie Sends 9 to Hospital – No serious injuries reported as all were released from hospital before midnight. […keep reading] Ammonia Leakage on Kibbutz in North Causes Scare; 4 People Hospitalized – The incident occurred in Kibbutz Eilon, a community that lies just one kilometer south […]
In an industry laden with acronyms, RAGAGEP is probably the most important to understand when implementing a process safety management program. Simply put, RAGAGEP is “recognized and generally accepted good engineering practice”. The PSM regulation, 29 CFR §1910.119 and Title 8 CCR §5189, directly references or implies the use of RAGAGEP in three provisions: Process Safety Information – (d)(3)(ii): Employers […]