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Ammonia heats up in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review…. Florence Officials Relocated Residents After Ammonia Leak – Several residents around Harrell and Marion Streets were relocated Saturday evening because of an ammonia leak at the ReddyIce plant on Harrell Street. […keep reading] Ammonia Leak Sparks Emergency Response – Chelan County, Wa.,Emergency Management issued a shelter-in-place order […]
Our team had a blast whitewater rafting down the Upper Kings River earlier this month. The expedition was led by our very own, Chad Collin, through Kings River Expeditions. Thank you Kings River Expeditions for the excellent experience and great memories!
Ammonia interrupts in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review…. 700 Workers Evacuated after Oakey Beef Chemical Spill – Queensland Fire and Emergency Services remained on scene at 4.30pm conducting atmospheric testing and ventilating the cold storage room at the major facility after the leak. […keep reading] Fire Crews Clear Scene Following Ammonia Leak at Phoenix […]
Relief System Design and Design Basis is one of the most commonly inspected components of Process Safety Information (Title 8 CCR §5189(d)(3)(A)(4) and Title 29 CFR §1910.119(d)(3)(i)(D)). This documentation, when prepared correctly, will describe the basis by which a relief system was designed. Notice that the requirement is not limited to “relief valves”, but rather […]
Ammonia makes a nuisance in this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review…. Streamwood Ammonia Leak Sends 7 to Hospital – Police say the plant was evacuated shortly after the leak was discovered, but employees will be allowed back in the building later Thursday morning. […keep reading] Two Hurt in ‘Large Ammonia Leak’ in South Hutchinson – Police […]