The Cost of Non-Compliance | Part 8: Analysis of the Database

July 11th, 2023 | , , ,


Uriah Donaldson presented a technical paper at the 2023 IIAR Conference titled The Cost of Non-Compliance: An Objective Analysis of Federal EPA’s Enforcement at Ammonia Refrigeration Facilities. This blog series includes excerpts from his technical paper.

Part 8: Analysis of the Database

At the time of this paper’s publication, the database includes more than 450 inspection reports: 254 CAFOs, 185 ESAs, and 14 EPACAs. It includes inspection reports from 46 of the 50 states and all ten regions. CAA Section 112(r) – 40 CFR §68 “RMP” was cited 346 times, EPCRA 94 times, CERCLA 75 times, and the CAA Section 112(r)(1) – General Duty Clause 31 times. (39)

Categorizing Citations by Regulatory Reference

While the EPA inspection reports typically do not assign individual penalty amounts to each citation, reports will usually detail which sections of a particular regulation were violated. The database tracks the number of times each section of the RMP regulation was cited, as well as the number of times the applicable sections of CERCLA and EPCRA were cited. This helps analyze which sections are cited more frequently than others. Below is a list of the number of times a section was cited, in order from highest to lowest:

Number of times cited Regulatory Reference
124 Process Hazard Analysis
119 Mechanical Integrity
112 Operating Procedures
101 Failure to Submit RMP
98 Compliance Audits
94 Process Safety Information
74 Failure / Late Notification after NH3 Release to NRC and LEPC
73 Training
58 Hazard Assessment
44 Failure to timely Submit Tier II
31 Failure to update Emergency Contact
29 Contractors
24 Emergency Planning and Response
23 Incident Investigation

Analysis of Penalties

There are numerous ways to analyze penalty amounts recorded in the database. Below is a summary of six penalty categories, with four data elements for each: (1) the total amount of all citation penalties in that category, (2) the average individual penalty amount for a single facility, (3) the median individual penalty amount for a single facility, and (4) the largest individual penalty amount for a single facility

Table 1: CAFOs citing CAA Section 112(r) – 40 CFR §68 RMP

Total Penalties Assessed $12,132,184
Average Civil Penalty $82,533
Median Civil Penalty $58,000
Largest Civil Penalty $356,010

Table 2: ESAs citing CAA Section 112(r) – 40 CFR §68 RMP

Total Penalties Assessed $509,867.00
Average Civil Penalty $2,771.02
Median Civil Penalty $2,000.00
Largest Civil Penalty $13,500.00

Table 3: Penalties associated with violating EPCRA

Total Penalties Assessed $2,351,655.96
Average Civil Penalty $29,395.70
Median Civil Penalty $18,604.50
Largest Civil Penalty $270,000.00

Table 4: Penalties associated with violating CERCLA

Total Penalties Assessed $620,104.01
Average Civil Penalty $14,764.38
Median Civil Penalty $11,506.00
Largest Civil Penalty $75,000.00

Table 5: CAFOs citing CAA Section 112(r)(1) General Duty Clause

Total Penalties Assessed $1,721,419.04
Average Civil Penalty $57,380.63
Median Civil Penalty $40,200.00
Largest Civil Penalty $179,146.00

Table 6: Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEP)

Total Penalties Assessed $3,815,072.10
Average Civil Penalty $90,835.05
Median Civil Penalty $54,272.00
Largest Civil Penalty $425,000.00
(39) Many inspection reports cite multiple regulations; 

The previous blogs in this series are available in the following links:


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