Ammonia Cold Storage Facility Ordered to Pay $225,000 in Penalties!
On January 9, 2013, a cold storage and ice manufacturing facility was ordered to pay $225,000 to settle penalties resulting from violations of the Federal Clean Air Act (CAA). The penalties were incurred when the company failed to comply with the CAA in the following ways:
- Failure to put in place a required Risk Management Plan for ammonia used in the refrigeration system
- Violation of the General Duty Clause which requires companies to identify chemical hazards, safely maintain all chemical processes, and take appropriate steps to minimize the consequences of accidental releases of hazardous chemicals
- Failure to provide mechanical ventilation
- Failure to provide working ammonia detectors
- Failure to provide an emergency shutdown switch for the engine room
- Failure to develop operating procedures for employees
- Failure to develop and implement a mechanical integrity program for the ammonia refrigeration equipment
- Failure to train employees in the proper operation of the ammonia refrigeration system
According to the USEPA Press Release, “Risk Management Plans required under the Clean Air Act, and steps required under the General Duty Clause, help prevent accidental releases of substances that can cause serious harm to the public and the environment from short-term exposures and reduces the severity of releases that do occur. A company that fails to take these steps can leave the public and environment at risk from accidental releases.”
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