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On the surface, this appears to be a silly question. Regulations, however, often have nuances and it so happens that according to Title 8 CCR §5157, the answer is ‘No’. Let me explain. In California, Title 8 CCR §5156-5159 regulate all confined space activities. According to the legal definition a “Confined space means a space […]
Over the past year, CalOSHA has been educating the ammonia refrigeration industry regarding their expectation for complying with the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) requirement for “procedures to be followed by employees performing rescue or medical duties” (Title 8 CCR §3220(b)(4)). CalOSHA has made it clear that they expect ammonia refrigeration facilities to have rescue capabilities, […]
An ammonia tank explodes killing 1 and injuring 14 others in Spain. Read more from this week’s edition of the Ammonia Week in Review… One Dead, 14 Injured in Spanish Ammonia Tank Explosion – One worker was killed on May 31 when a 20,000 litre ammonia tank exploded at a factory near the city of Tarragona in north eastern […]
One often overlooked aspect of relief valve installation is valve orientation. Many refrigeration professionals are not familiar with the 2017 ASME B&PV Code Section VIII Appendix M-11 recommendation that “Spring-loaded safety and safety relief valves normally should be installed in the upright position with the spindle vertical. Where space or piping configuration preclude such an […]
While it is well known that good engineering practice requires that relief valves be replaced every five years, industry literature does not clearly state when the five-year timer starts its countdown. Is it when the valve is manufactured? Taken out of the box? Installed? Exposed to ammonia? Due to the lack of clarification on this […]