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Machinery room ventilation systems have long been required by model codes and standards. Dating back to at least the 1967 Uniform Mechanical Code[1], refrigeration machinery rooms have been required to be configured with adequate ventilation in the event of a refrigerant release. While we have written previously about the current ventilation design, control, and testing […]
Part 8: This is a continuation of our blog series explaining how to perform an IIAR 6 Appendix B inspection of an ammonia pressure vessel. Items M and N ask if the vessel certification drawings and manufacturer data report are on file. The data report, commonly referred to as a U-1 or U-1A form, we […]
Part 7: This is a continuation of our blog series explaining how to perform an IIAR 6 Appendix B inspection of an ammonia pressure vessel. Item I in the checklist inquires if the pipes are marked as required by IIAR Standard 2. Standard 2 requires piping mains, headers, and branches to be labeled with the […]
Part 6: This is a continuation of our blog series explaining how to perform an IIAR 6 Appendix B inspection of an ammonia pressure vessel. Item D requires the inspector to verify that supports and anchorage are adequate. For a ground-mounted pressure vessel, the anchorage should be inspected to ensure nuts are tight and free […]
Part 5: This is a continuation of our blog series explaining how to perform an IIAR 6 Appendix B inspection of an ammonia pressure vessel. Items B and C on Page 2 of the checklist ask if the vessel is suitable for ammonia and operating within limits. The inspector must verify that the vessel is […]