Ammonia Week in Review | December 7, 2012
Ammonia made the headlines from a few different angles this week. Here is our weekly recap…
Olympic Fruit to Pay $34,000 Fine For Ammonia Violations – A Union Gap company will pay a penalty of nearly $34,000 because it failed to meet risk-management requirements for handling large amounts of anhydrous ammonia at its East Valley warehouse, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday. […keep reading]
Officials Blame Leak, Not Explosion, For Ammonia Spill at Dole Plant – Some Atwater residents were evacuated Tuesday evening after 100 gallons of ammonia leaked out of a Dole plant just outside the Central Valley city. Officials originally thought the ammonia was released because of an explosion […keep reading]
200 Maryland Workers Evacuated After Ammonia Leak In Howard County – The Howard County Fire Department responded to a ammonia leak Saturday morning. At about 9:40 officials responded to […keep reading]
Dairy Cows Discharging Too Much Ammonia? – …The average dairy cow sends 80 pounds of ammonia into the air every year. If a dairy houses 1,000 milk cows, that facility produces 80,000 pounds of ammonia or 40 tons of ammonia per year. Using legal criteria, this makes the dairy a major source for a hazardous pollutant. […keep reading]
Mechanical Integrity 101 (Pressure Relief Valves) – Sometimes you don’t have to be an experienced technician or a trained engineer to identify a serious a mechanical issue. The picture on the right is an example of one of those instances. […keep reading]
USDA Not So Sure Ammonia-Injected Beef Is Safe – Thanks to findings presented by the New York Times, the USDA took away an exemption from routine testing it had given to meat from Beef Products, Inc., which supplies ammonia-injected beef to grocery stores and fast food chains including McDonald’s and Burger King. […keep reading]
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